Events at the Co-op
Regular Events at the Co-op

New Member Inductions: 11 – 12pm
first Saturday of the month.
This is an opportunity for people new to the Co-op to get a tour, an introduction to shopping here, learn a bit about our history, and become familiar with the many opportunities to participate, build skills and connect with our member community. And our iconic lunch is included for new members.
Contact for info or keep up-to-date via the Facebook event.

Thursday Night Dinners:
7pm during ANU semesters.
Join us for a relaxed, atmospheric and tasty as heck vegetarian (& vegan) Thursday dinner, whipped up by Mitch and his band of merry helpers.
House favourite is hand-rolled fresh tacos but surprises are always possible!
Only $14 (general) & $11 (members) for a plate of Taco deliciousness!
BOOKINGS preferred for catering via Humantix (click here) but walk-ins welcome too!
Connect with the Facebook event.

Acoustic Soup: 3rd Wednesday of the month during ANU semesters (7pm)
Join us for local musical delights and a bowl of organic, vegan and gluten free warming goodness.
If you’d like to help out on the night and receive your soup and music gratis, get in touch –
If you have some musical talents up your sleeve and would like to share them with the friendly crowd, get in touch with the team, they’d love to hear from you –
Connect with the Facebook event.

Monday night Yoga: 7pm
Come along to relax, workout, and prepare your mind and body for the week ahead. Yoga mats provided or bring your own. Entry is by donation to the Co-op. Thank you!
Stay up to date with any changes via:
Facebook: The Food Co-op Shop & Cafe

CYCLE JAM: Saturdays 11am – 2pm
Come get free help working on your bicycle,
from fixing a flat to building a wheel.
Fix your bike then enjoy a chai or stay for lunch 🙂

Seasonal Cleaning Bees – First Sunday of the season
Join the Cleaning Bee crew for our seasonal sparkle fest!
Bees are great to get stuck into the jobs that get miss on a day-to-day basis and help the Co-op be clean and inviting.
It’s also a great way to meet other members and enjoy a yarn.
Please RSVP to
Connect with the Facebook event.
Past Events

O-Week 2022
We had a full week of events to kick off 2022 @ ANU. Check them out!
Monday – LUNAR NEW YEAR DUMPLING DINNER. Delicious handmade dumplings served by our mates at the Canberra Student Housing Co-op
Tuesday – YOGA BY DONATION. A gentle class for all levels of experience
Wednesday – FREE LUNCH!!! Just show your ANU student card.
Thursday – DINNER WITH MUSIC & GOOD VIBES. Fresh vegan-friendly tacos & doughnuts in our candle-lit Co-op with cosy musical accompaniment
Saturday – NEW MEMBER INDUCTION. Learn about getting involved with The Food Co-op!
Saturday – LUNCH WITH SABA. Savour the flavours of Ethiopian cuisine

NEW DATE: Annual General Meeting 2021 – Sunday September 12, 12pm–3pm
We are pleased to invite Members to join us for this year’s AGM!
We will be sharing the highs and lows of the last year with time for questions and ideas for the future.
We encourage ALL Members to attend to learn more about the ins and outs of our Co-operative that we love and care about so much. We will also be undertaking the essential tasks of voting in our 2021/22 Board, and approving the financial and management reports.
A delicious lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to help us with catering. We are planning to hold it at our fabulous Co-op as always, however stay tuned for changes if COVID-19 conditions require it to be moved online.

Bush Week 2021
We have a full week of events to help welcome in the ANU semester. Click on the links to the Facebook events for full details!
Monday – ITADAKIMAAASU! A Japanese cooking workshop with Maki & Amie
Tuesday – YOGA BY DONATION. A gentle class for all levels of experience and ‘ability’
Wednesday – FREE LUNCH!!! Just show you ANU student or staff card.
Wednesday – FILM SCREENING. The Food Coop film, about Park Slope Food Coop in New York
Thursday – DINNER WITH MUSIC & GOOD VIBES. Fresh vegan-friendly tacos & doughnuts in our candle-lit Co-op with cosy musical accompaniment
Saturday – NEW MEMBER INDUCTION. Learn about getting involved with The Food Co-op!
Saturday – LUNCH WITH KADI. Savour the flavours of West Africa

Ramadan Iftar Event 2021 – Monday May 3, 4:30pm
Ramadan is a month of contemplation, social gathering, sharing, and unity with others. Please join us for our first iftar (meal to break fast) event to share food for body and thought, all are welcome!
We will start by preparing some sambusek/sambusa together, and after breaking fast we will explore how Islam can shape our understandings of our relationship with nature and the environment, and reflect on the similarities and differences with other spiritual/religious philosophies.
In the spirit of Ramadan, we would like to offer Islamic contemplations on the spirituality of connections with nature and obligations to the environment.
The menu for this iftar includes a delicious and heart-warming selection of Ramadan staples, including appetisers, soup, tea and drinks, and, of course, dessert.
Particularly if you are not fasting, help with preparing the food is a wonderful way to learn more, get involved, and engage with the spirit of generosity and participation. Join us from 3-6pm on Sunday 2nd, and/or from 2pm on the day of the event.
We invite you to engage with the principles of unity and sharing by ‘paying it forward’. We will make places available for people for whom payment would be a barrier to attendance for each ticket ‘paid forward’.
Purchase your ticket before the event at our Shop counter or over the phone, places are limited:
$25 – General
$20 – Members/Pay-it-forward
$15 – Concession/Working Members
$0 – Paid Forward Recipients
RSVP with any dietary requirements and interest in helping with preparation to
We’re looking forward to being together for this special event.
Connect with the Facebook event.

MaSheD BaNaNA BoNGo BAsH: Coming Together to Tackle Food Waste – Tuesday May 4, 6-8pm
Do you want to improve your food waste avoidance habits? Come hang with us at the Mashed Banana Bongo Bash, a fun and friendly evening to learn and share food waste avoidance strategies.
You’ve probably heard food waste tips like “freeze your bread” and “meal plan”, but we want to dive deeper. Together, we want to explore strategies that encourage you to get creative, rethink your lifestyle choices and challenge the way you think about and consume food (and leftovers).
The evening will feature a panel of amazing speakers, live music and samplers of surprising and inspiring food waste recipes.
Ingrid Lee, Urban Farm Goods manager, Two Before Ten cafes
Serina Bird, The Joyful Frugalista **local podcaster extraordinaire**
Yvette McKay, ACT Government, Love Food Hate Waste campaign
Brook Clinton, Executive Officer of SEE-Change and Founder of Capital Scraps (community composting)
Come along for a night of knowledge-sharing, learning and scrumptious food and music!
For more information and to purchase tickets.
Connect with the Facebook event.

Working Members Operations Meeting
We host regular Operations meetings throughout the year! This is for all Working Members to come together to connect, chat and problem-solve about all things related to keeping the cogs of the Co-op turning smoothly and joyfully!
Afterwards, we get to hang out and eat a delicious dinner together prepared with love! The dinner is on us (the Co-op), in acknowledgement of our efforts to make this the wonderful community it is.
We’re looking forward to being together!

Creative Co-opers!
We’re inviting our Co-op community to contribute to a monthly gallery of creative compositions that relate to Co-op food in our homes!
Each month we’ll put a call out for works that respond to different mediums and themes.
Last month it was Poetry, this month it’s Photos of fun food installations! Put some things from the garden or pantry together to create a set, position your lighting, and voila!
Being the Co-op, we’re more interested in participation and inclusion than great masterpieces! Every piece will contribute to a post on our blog and the first 3 entries will receive a sample pot of eco-glitter.
We can’t wait to receive your creations and share them with our Co-op community! ❤️
Upload your original photo by Monday 15th June here:
(image credit – Margaret Harrison, Graphic Designer extraordinaire with our Comms Working Group)

Community Catch-ups!
For many of us, the Food Co-op is as much about the connections as it is about the food. And so while we can still make purchases, we’re no longer running in to each other and chatting over chopping, scrubbing, serving, or scooping like we’re used to doing. ?
Let’s remind each other that we’re still here, still passionate about all things lentils, and keen to stay a part of each others’ goings-on – including what we’re cooking and eating with our precious Co-op produce! ❤
So bring along your dinner, dessert or cuppa for a collective check-in. Amie from our Communications Working Group will be our host and will be joined by Sophie who’ll give us updates on the latest from in-store.
Connect to the facebook event here.
Click here to join the zoom meeting when it’s time to roll ?
Technical bits: If you haven’t used Zoom before it’s super easy! Just click on the link and off you go. You don’t need an account however it’s helpful if you have space on your device to download the app which it will prompt you to do.