Member Hub

Our Co-op’s governance

As Co-op Members, it’s important that we understand the foundations of our governance, as well as principles of our relational conduct with each other, and how to raise and work through concerns and issues.

Reports from our 2021 AGM:

Chair & Management Reports here.

Treasurer’s Report here.

Announcement of our 2021/2022 Board here.

Governance and relational conduct documents:

Please familiarise yourself with our Constitution, our Strategic Plan, our Grievance Policy, and our Code of Conduct Policy here! You’ll also find copies of the minutes from recent AGM’s there.

Board meetings:

Our Board meets monthly at The Food Co-op on the second Wednesday evening at 6pm. Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please contact our Board Secretary at with 48hours notice in you’d like to attend.

Please note that there may be some items of discussion inappropriate for non-Board members, and the Chair will inform you in such cases. If you have an item of discussion that you would like to be added to the agenda, please do this at least 5 days prior to the meeting and in writing to the above Secretary email.

Board meeting minutes can be made available to any member upon request via the above email and our e-newsletter Fresh In!, includes updates from The Food Co-op Board so please read it to stay informed.

Latest Fresh-in! e-newsletter

Archived editions of Fresh In!

Got something to say?

Please feel free to contribute information on any topic related to the Co-op’s mission and principles! Content submitted may be used in our fortnightly e-newsletter, in our social media feeds, or on our website. Help us to tell the Co-op story – submit your ideas via